Research Paper Writing based on Quantitative Research - Writing Guide

August 1, 2022

Either quantitative orqualitative research methods are used by researchers in their researcharticles. Where qualitative research provides in-depth answers to questionslike why humans behave in certain ways and why they make certain choices,quantitative research provides statistics and numerical data which is analyzedby the use of certain statistical and mathematical analysis expert essay writer online


Today, our lives arederived by numbers. If you stop for a moment and look around you will seenumbers everywhere. Your salary, your expenses, your problems, time, costs,profits, revenue, and targets, etc, are all numbers and really importantnumbers. We use these numbers to not only make decisions at our workplaces butalso in our personal lives. This means that numbers play a vital role in the essay writing



You must be wonderinghow social researchers and organizations conducting social research get thesenumbers? Well, this where quantitative research jumps in. As mentioned earlier,in quantitative research, numerical data is collected by standardizedtechniques and then insights are generated from it by analyzing the datathrough statistical and mathematical methods.

Have you never conductedquantitative research before? Well, do not fret it. You can hire an paper writing service


 to help you withit. They not only provide essays but also help students with other tasks likeresearch and other writing tasks. They can design surveys and research papersfor you to gather data. They can even distribute surveys or questionnairesamong people on your behalf and gather all the required data. 

When is quantitativeresearch useful?

Well, it is used to getobjective and conclusive results. Numbers do not lie, so after conducting asurvey, or computing the data gathered from questionnaires, one can get a clearanswer to whatever question they were looking for an answer to. A good need someone to write my essay


 uses quantitative researched data to prove or negate a point.Similarly, quantitative research is used to support arguments in researchpapers.

What are quantitativeresearch methods?

There are severalresearch methods that you can use to collect numerical data for your my essay writer


. Four such methods arediscussed below:


It is also known assurveys. In this method questionnaires or surveys containing a list ofquestions with often some potential possible answers are designed and thendistributed among the participants. These can be created on physical papers ordigital forms. Moreover, these can be distributed digitally over social mediaand emails or by post mails and in person. Questions could be both open-endedor closed-ended i need someone to write my essay for me



It is verbalcommunication between the interviewer and interviewee to gather numerical data.These can be conducted in in-person meetings or over video calls, audio calls,etc. The interviews are also of two types: structured and unstructured. Wherein structured interviews, the interviewers are given a fixed set of questionsto ask the interviewee, in unstructured interviews, the interviewer has theliberty to ask questions of his choice according to the progression in theinterview. Sometimes, it is hard to quantify data gathered from interviews.


In this method, data wascollected by simply observing people in their natural habitats. While mostly,qualitative data is gathered by observations, sometimes, it is used to gatherquantitative data. It is also of two types, simple and behavioral. In simpleobservation-only plain numerical value is noted, i.e. how many trucks pass acertain point. Conversely, in behavioral observations, there is aninterpretation of the behavior, i.e. how many trucks were over the EssayWriterForMe



This is numerical datathat is recorded and kept by institutions. For example, the record ofattendance at your school, or the numbers of patients admitted to a hospital.Census conducted by national governments are also used by researchers to answerquestions and solve problems in their research papers. 



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